
My Name Ceu Kingshill or Ceceu Kingshill

My name is Ceu Kingshill but many people know me as Ceceu Kingshill
because I used this name Ceceu Kingshill since I was very young.

I made this blog to let you know that I am a Christian, a missionary and a Theology student and have nothing to do with many links of people who uses my name to promote themselves. My sites are all about Christian articles or Movement Education/Therapy.

Sometimes people use my name even in "pornography" which is very bad for my image of
course! Please just remember, when you see links like those just ignore them.
I am asking Googles help and they are working on it.
Thank you very much.
Ceu Kingshill

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Ceu ministrando em New Jersey

Ceu ministrando em New Jersey